Do you want to learn practical, effective ways to support your child's emotional health and well-being

  • Maybe you are feeling

  • Overwhelmed - because everyday seems to be a battle

  • Worried - because your child has difficulty expressing worry and frustration, and coping with daily stressors

  • Frustrated - because you can't seem to find help

Series Overview

We're so excited to offer this series to help parents and their children get through these very unsettling times. In this series, we'll be introducing you to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and offering practical advice on how to help your children cope.

  • Session 1 (31st May, 7:30-9 pm): Understanding anxiety and introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Session 2 (recorded to be viewed at your convenience) : Understanding anxiety and associated behaviours in children

  • Session 3: (7th June, 7:30-9 pm): Values-based Parenting

  • Session 4 (recorded to be viewed at your convenience): Practical strategies for supporting coping and regulation in children

  • Session 5 (14th June, 7:30-9 pm): Working through the tough stuff - ACT strategies

  • Session 6 (recorded to be viewed at your convenience): Developmentally appropriate acceptance and mindfulness-based strategies for children

  • Session 7 (21st June, 7:30-9 pm): Reflections and Q & A

The series includes

  • Highly Experienced Professionals

    All sessions are co-facilitated by two fully qualified Board Certified Behaviour Analysts with additional training and supervision by peer-reviewed ACT trainers.

  • Downloadable resources

    Not only will you receive handouts from each session, but you will also have access to a wide range of activities, visual supports and scripts to use with your own child.

  • Interactive and On-demand Sessions

    We've planned just the right balance of pre-recorded content and online discussions to offer you maximum flexibility without compromising opportunities for meaningful engagement.


  • Do I need to attend every session and view in order?

    We appreciate that it can be very difficult to set aside protected time, which is why we've done our best to offer as much flexibility as possible by pre-recording some content. The pre-recorded content will be made available the day after the previous live event, but you should view the content at some point before the next live session so that you are prepared to discuss and ask questions. Each session builds on the last and is crucial in understanding how to piece it all together to best help your child, so you will gain the most benefit if progressing through all sessions in order.

  • What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)?

    ACT is a therapeutic approach that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, paired with behaviour change strategies to help a person move towards personal values. ACT helps us live the life we want, acknowledging each and every twist and turn along the way. Some consider ACT to be an extension of CBT, or Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. While there are certainly similarities, there are also differences.

  • Is this suitable for my child?

    This series is not designed for any one type or profile of child. In fact, any parent would likely gain some level of benefit. However, this was designed to support those children who may display fear-based avoidance (e.g. avoid certain places, activities, or experiences), struggle with reoccurring and difficult thoughts, or display intense reactions to what may seem to be trivial problems or issues to others.

  • This sounds a bit complicated for my child. Is this course suitable for children of all abilities?

    You may feel that some of the strategies would be too complicated for your child; however, we offer a range of strategies to support children of the full age range and range of abilities and understanding. And the parenting information is certainly relevant for all.

  • I see there will be group discussions. Am I going to be expected to share details about my child and situation?

    At various points in the live sessions, we will be organising 'breakout sessions' where parents or carers will have time to discuss activities and share thoughts in smaller groups. Facilitators will not participate in these, but will offer attendees the opportunity to share feedback or ask questions of the facilitators upon returning to the larger group. Any group exercises or discussion are intended to be for your benefit. It is very important to us that this be a safe environment for everyone. You should only participate as much as you like, and will never be expected to share anything that would make you feel uncomfortable. We will clearly address this in the first session.

  • How do I access weekly sessions?

    All live sessions are conducted on Zoom. If you're familiar with Zoom, you should be fine. But it is important the you realise you'll need to access the link each week through this learning page. That is also where all of your handouts and downloadable resources will be accessed. There is a short tutorial at the beginning of the course, but don't ever hesitate to get in touch if you need a little technical assistance.

  • Will live sessions be recorded?

    It is intended that the zoom sessions be attended live, as most of the content is experiential/interactive. To ensure privacy, we will not be recording any content involving group participation. We do understand however that sometimes things get in the way of showing up. We will be recording some of the live content for participants to review between sessions in the event that you are unable to attend live.

This group is now FULL

This group is full but you can click the link and register your interest for the next course. We will notify you as soon as dates become available.